CrossFit at-Home exercise videos

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Complete one workout every day

  • The workouts change each week
  • The movements can be seen in the video demos at the bottom of the page.  Just scroll down.
  • Remember to warm up.  A 5-minute brisk walk would be a great start to each workout if you can manage it.
  • A 1-gallon milk jug is 8lbs.  A quart jug is 4lbs.


RFT = Rounds for time

AMRAP or AMREPS = As Many Reps As Possible (in the allotted time) 


Jug Swings & Toe Taps Lunges Single Arm Deadlift Shrug & Snatch
Single Leg Deadlift Odd Object Clean Side Step
Samson Stretch Hollow Hold Weighted Sit-to-Stands, Chair Dips
Sit-to-Stand Progression Weighted Sit-to-Stands Overhead Sti-to-Stands
Single Arm, Single Leg Plank Assisted Lunge Chair Dips
Leg-Assisted Dip SLIPS Couch Push-Ups
Supermans Door Frame Assisted Squats Step-Ups
Ottoman Leg Raises Side Step-Ups Toe Taps
Negative Push Ups L-Sits & Side Planks Floor Press
Unweighted Get-Ups Bag Clean & Press Weighted Squats
Broomstick Muscle Snatch Pass-Throughs Jug Swings & Burpees
Plank Hold Push-Up Progression Step-Ups
Assisted Sit-Up Air Squat Jug-Press Negatives
Seated Static Leg Raise Farmer's Carry Backpack Thrusters
Elbow-Up Couch Push-Up Assisted Air Squat
L-Sit Single Arm Row Deadlift
Burpee Standing