From the start of the challenge, you will need to send photographic evidence of every single thing that passes your lips that isn't water. If you do this you will get an incredible result from the 6-week program.
By sending me the pics I get a chance to audit your nutrition and if it can be improved then I can advise immediately.
This process is based on the theory of panopticism which was devised by Jeremy Bentham as he studied incarceration. The foundational principle is that behavior improves when the subject understands that they're being observed. This is why we use dummy video cameras in stores. It works and it works very effectively.
The body comp result shown above is from week 1 on Challenge 2 of this year.
This athlete complied with the macro prescription literally and almost verbatim during their first week. As a result, their body has changed accordingly. Although muscle mass has decreased slightly, which we must work on, all other factors are improved. For one week of work (actually 5 days) this is an excellent result and is well-earned.
If you follow the prescription as closely as possible you will get an incredible result like this.
Stick to your macros. Get to the gym as much as possible. Do as many varied classes as possible. Eat like an olympian.
Is this an anomaly? No, this is usual. This is just what happens.
Send me photographic evidence of every single thing that passes your lips except water and get another body composition analysis to boost your motivation.
The best mechanism to use is Facebook messenger sent to the Deathproof CrossFit page. You'll get support during daylight hours (plus a little bit).
Get ready to step it up a gear.
Cya in class.