The Science Behind CrossFit: Why It Works

Jul 15, 2024

 by Dree McNear

At Deathproof CrossFit, our workouts are designed with scientific precision to deliver optimal results. Our gym is owned and operated by a mechanical engineer and a biologist. This ensures that our programs are not only effective but also grounded in principles of biomechanics, physiology, and physics, providing you with an unparalleled expertise in achieving peak fitness.  

CrossFit defines fitness as increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains. This means being able to perform varied tasks over different durations and intensities, incorporating elements of strength, endurance, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy.


The Physics of CrossFit  

  • Work Capacity: CrossFit leverages these principles to calculate power, where power equals work divided by time. Work in CrossFit is determined by the force applied (e.g., weight lifted or body weight moved) multiplied by the distance covered during the movement. For instance, lifting a barbell over a vertical distance against gravity increases work output. The intensity of a workout, or power output, is thus quantified by how quickly this work is completed.


  • Applying Intensity: Unlike vague indicators like perceived effort or physiological responses (e.g., heart rate), CrossFit defines intensity through measurable power output. This objective approach allows for consistent tracking of workout performance and tangible fitness improvements over time.


By systematically increasing loads, repetitions, or speed in completing workouts, CrossFit enhances multiple physical capacities simultaneously. This approach cultivates measurable progress in strength, endurance, and overall fitness, making it suitable for athletes aiming to excel or individuals maintaining functional independence.

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Here’s why our scientifically-driven approach at Deathproof CrossFit stands out—eight compelling reasons that make our fitness program so effective:


1. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

CrossFit incorporates High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), a method for enhancing cardiovascular health and metabolic function. HIIT involves alternating between intense exercise and rest, maximizing calorie burn and improving both aerobic and anaerobic systems.

  • Power Output and Energy Systems: HIIT is designed to push your body to its limits, increasing overall power output. The high-intensity phases force the body to utilize its immediate energy stores (ATP-PC system), while the rest phases allow partial recovery before engaging the glycolytic and oxidative pathways. This variation in energy demands increases mitochondrial biogenesis, enhancing cellular respiration and energy production efficiency


  • The Krebs Cycle: During intense exercise, the Krebs cycle (or citric acid cycle) contributes in the production ATP, the energy currency of the cell. HIIT stimulates this cycle, increasing the production of electron carriers NADH and FADH2, which feed into the electron transport chain, ultimately boosting ATP output.

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Simply Stated: HIIT makes you work hard in short bursts, which burns lots of calories and helps your heart and lungs get stronger. It also makes your body better at using energy.


2. Functional Movements

CrossFit emphasizes functional movements, which are multi-joint exercises mimicking everyday activities. These movements engage multiple muscle groups, improving neuromuscular coordination and proprioception.

  • Biomechanics and Efficiency: Functional movements are rooted in biomechanics, promoting efficient movement patterns. Exercises like squats, deadlifts, and presses engage major muscle groups and core stabilizers, enhancing strength and stability. By improving neuromuscular efficiency, these exercises optimize motor unit recruitment, leading to better performance and reduced injury risk.


  • Physics of Movement: The physics of functional movements involves optimizing force production and mechanical efficiency. By leveraging proper form and technique, these exercises reduce unnecessary energy expenditure and maximize the effective force applied to the weights or resistance.

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Simply Stated: Functional movements help you move better in everyday life by working multiple muscles at once, making you stronger and more stable.


3. Variety and Adaptability

One of the core principles of CrossFit is constantly varied workouts. This approach leverages the principle of muscle confusion, preventing adaptation and plateaus by regularly changing the workout stimulus.

  • Adaptation and Overload: The variability in workouts ensures continuous adaptation by applying different stimuli, engaging various muscle fibers and energy systems. This method, combined with the principle of progressive overload, promotes balanced development and prevents overuse injuries. The scalability of CrossFit workouts allows them to be adapted for any fitness level, ensuring they are effective and accessible for everyone.


Simply Stated: CrossFit keeps workouts different each time, which keeps your body guessing and improving. Plus, workouts can be adjusted for any fitness level.


4. Community and Accountability

The social aspect of CrossFit is a key player in its efficacy. Research supports the hypothesis that social support and accountability significantly improve exercise adherence and motivation.

  • Psychological Benefits: Working out in a supportive community fosters a sense of camaraderie and accountability. This social interaction boosts mental well-being, reducing stress and enhancing motivation. The encouragement from coaches and fellow members creates a positive feedback loop, driving consistent participation and progress.


Simply Stated: Being part of a CrossFit community helps keep you motivated and accountable, making it easier to stick with your fitness goals.


5. Hormonal Response

CrossFit workouts trigger significant hormonal responses that facilitate muscle growth and fat loss.

  • Anabolic Hormones: High-intensity exercise stimulates the release of anabolic hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone, essential for muscle repair and hypertrophy. The metabolic stress from these workouts also increases catecholamine and glucagon levels, promoting fat mobilization and oxidation.


  • Endorphins and Mood: The intense nature of CrossFit triggers the release of endorphins, improving mood and reducing stress. This hormonal response not only enhances physical performance but also contributes to overall mental health. 

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Simply Stated: CrossFit boosts your body’s natural hormones that build muscle, burn fat, and make you feel good.


6. Improved Metabolic Conditioning

CrossFit enhances metabolic conditioning (metcon), optimizing the body’s energy systems for sustained high-intensity performance.

  • Metabolic Pathways: Metcon workouts improve the efficiency of glycolytic and oxidative pathways, increasing lactate threshold and reducing perceived exertion. This translates to better athletic performance and increased endorphins (peptides that bind to opiate centers of the brain), which trigger feelings of euphoria. Endurance athletes refer to this as "runners high".


  • Insulin Sensitivity: Regular high-intensity training improves insulin sensitivity, enhancing glucose uptake by muscles and reducing the risk of metabolic disorders. This physiological adaptation is key for maintaining energy balance and metabolic health.

Simply Stated: Metcon workouts make your body better at using energy, helping you perform better and burn calories even after you’re done exercising.


7. Neuromuscular Efficiency

CrossFit training enhances neuromuscular efficiency by improving communication between the nervous system and muscles.

  • Motor Unit Recruitment: Increased neuromuscular efficiency leads to better motor unit recruitment, coordination, and overall movement economy. This allows for more effective and safer execution of complex movements, reducing the risk of injury and improving performance across various physical activities.


Simply Stated: CrossFit improves how well your brain talks to your muscles, making your movements more efficient and reducing injury risk.


8. Sleep and Recovery

Adequate sleep and recovery are vital components of any fitness regimen.

  • Sleep Quality: Intense physical activity, like CrossFit, enhances sleep quality by promoting deeper, more restorative sleep phases. This is necessary for muscle recovery, cognitive function, and overall well-being.


  • Recovery Processes: During sleep, the body undergoes repair and regeneration processes, including muscle protein synthesis and the release of growth hormone. These processes are essential for recovery, reducing muscle soreness, and preventing overtraining.

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Simply Stated: CrossFit helps you sleep better, which is important for muscle recovery and overall health.


At Deathproof CrossFit, you're not just joining a gym; you're entering a realm of expertise where scientific knowledge meets fitness innovation. Our team of highly educated professionals is dedicated to maximizing your potential. Why settle for less?