CrossFIt Kids at Deathproof

Learning to be human

Weekdays at 3:30pm




What do you want to be when you grow up?

You'll hear all kinds of responses to this question.  Astronaut, soldier, doctor, pilot, superhero.  Kids are an incredible fountain of creativity and hope.  We want that to continue to its natural conclusion.  What you never hear in response to this question is, "Fat, like Dad" or "Diabetic like Grandma".  The downward spiral of adult health needs to be resolved and this requires some physical and health education.  At Deathproof CrossFit we provide that education.

  • Biomechanically correct human movement
  • Basic nutrition.  What should humans eat and drink?  What should we avoid?  What are the consequences?
  • The importance of sleep
  • The effect of good health on intellectual potential.  Why exercise makes you smarter.
  • Constant reminders of what normal humans SHOULD ALWAYS be able to do throughout their life.

Healthy Habits to last a lifetime

Teaching your kids to brush their teeth is incredibly important.  Teeth should last a lifetime so you invest that time to make sure they adopt the habits of good dental hygiene.  The rest of their health is equally important.  Knowing the kinds of food that should be eaten and those that should be moderated is a similar skill.  We help kids adopt those habits early so that they practice the principles of good health unswervingly throughout their life.

  • Regular exercise and its benefits
  • Why good movement prevents pain, discomfort, and injuries
  • What normal exercise effects feel like to develop familiarity with those sensations 
  • The relationship between exercise, nutrition, sleep and stress

Learn to move like a human

Being a kid is tough.  It's so much easier when they learn to move the way a human should.  Sitting at a desk most of the day from age 6 has taken its toll on our society.  Most young adults (age 16 to 25) can't perform a basic squat correctly and most fully grown adults have lost so much capacity by the time they're 30 that they may never be able to do the things their parents and grandparent used to be able to perform with ease.  This doesn't bode well for their future.  

All kids should be active, energetic, playful, and experience joy when using their physicality.  Many of the profoundly rewarding experiences in life require a measure of physical input.  Learning to ride, skate, climb, swim and run often provide the basis for some of life's richest moments.  What are the moments that you wish to look back on with nostalgia?  Your favorite Tik Tok moment?  Your best Instagram post?  Crossing the line of your first marathon race or triathlon?  Yeah, that's more like it.  That, they'll remember forever!

How the programs operate

Here's Head Coach, Jase Robinson with an outline of the Program

Deathproof CrossFit Kids Intake Information

Please submit ALL requested information. A separate form is required for each child.